Bobby Kreiner
Tell Me More!


I'm a marketing and communications manager for Geosyntec Consultants in Atlanta. I also do web design and consulting work for select clients. Learn more at LinkedIn.


One of my responsibilities is to design and manage the global websites for Geosyntec. This includes design, content management, and analytics for our main website and websites for markets in Asia and Europe, as well as websites for our wholly-owned subsidiaries Savron, SiREM, and Green Harbor Energy.


As director of creative services for several companies, I designed and implemented more than 800 e-commerce websites for small and mid-sized companies, and direct to consumer initiatives for household names like GE, Sony, Toshiba, Olympus, Disney, 3M, Vodafone, and Evian.


Through my active involvement in communications for Geosyntec, I discovered my passion for Environmental, Health, and Safety communications. These communications combine my interest in verbal clarity with the compassionate goal of preserving the health and wholeness of employees.


I have a food blog and recipe website to preserve family recipes and cooking techniques, and to showcase some of my food photos.

Smoked Salmon Galette

with Capers and Dill Cream

Cooking a Steak

and other basics


Finnish Coffee Bread

Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you wherever you are.